The Pittsburgh Press from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)

THURSDAY. OCTOBER 20, 1949 THE PITTSBURGH PRESS PAGE 41 got him a part in "Lord Jlr with Freddie Bartholomew. with Freddie Bartholomew. His first break came in "A Yank at Eton," and then in "White Cliffs of Dover" in 1942 and 1943. News and Views Of Film Capital By HEDDA HOPPER USSR- "Mad with Much Heart," the Gerald Smith novel, has been bought by KKO.

It's a love story spiked by some fast action. The picture, starting in January, will star Robert Ryan. John Housman produces and Ray directs. The British background of the novel is PETER LAWFORD A refugee from that 'small town, Hollywood. Til Dodge Altar 4 Years Says Actor Peter Lawford But Bobby 'Soxers Idol Admits Love Might Upset His Solo' Plans Tomorrow Take heart, girls.

Peter Lawford, the current bobby-soxers' delight, plans to stay single for At least, he thinks he won't "Of course," he hedges, "I might fall in love tomorrow. You nncn color by Jr can't make hard-and-fast plans about love." The British-born flashing smile and long lashes have captured the fickle heart of the American school girl, is in Pittsburgh to make appearances with the showing of his latest film, "The Red Danube," at the Penn today Big Little Town He's on a three-weeks' barnstorming tour, which he finds "exhausting, but interesting." In fact, young Mr. Lawford gets out of Hollywood whenever he isn't working. "It's a big little town," he explains in his soft English accent. Everyone knows everyones else's business, and all they talk is gossip or movies.

Likes Tennis, Swimming He "too old" for night-clubbing, but likes to play tennis and being shifted to New England lor the film. The boss, who is back in her native Pennsylvania, touring the state on a special train, as guest or honor of Pennsylvania week, wires: "Aboard' our train are Gov. Duff and his wife; Ezra (Henry Aldrich) Stone; David Austin, vice president of United States Steel; many railroad officials, and a -barbershop quartet. I get special billing. 0n one car is written Tif ty tons of Hopper The reporters aboard are avid for Hollywood gossip.

One told me he looked over a woman's shoulder to read the morning paper in Harrisburg. Headlines were about the atomic bomb, but the pper also contained a "picture of Shirley Temple and the story of her separation from John Agar. Isn't it awflul about the woman exclaimed to a companion. The bomb evidently meant nothing to her." Ingrid Again "Everyone wants to know what, will happen to Ingrid Bergman," the boss continues, "but I haven't got my crystal ball along for that one. Jimmy Stewart, who was aboard the train last year, would be delighted with all the wonderful things being said about him.

Tve just -learned that a Pennsylvania Dutchman once owned Hollywood. He was James Lick. All the land on which the movie capital now stands belonged to him. He gave California the Lick observatory and founded a college in Santa Clara. "Also, he was the first to plant orchards in the Santa Clara Valley, which now produces some of the state's finest wines.

Gov. Warren has been asked to name the new road between San Jose and San Francisco The Lick Freeway in honor of the Pennsylvania farm boy. I don't think that's too much to ask." Candy Fortune "Another Pennsylvania boy, -M. S. Hershey, assembled a fortune from nickel candy bars and left 88 million to Hershey, Hopper continues.

"The town has a population of 4000. Its two main streets are Called 'Chocolate' and An Industrial school there takes care of a thousand orphans between the ages of 4 and 18 "The citizens voted against having a race track in their community, but they do have When it rains it pours Plain or iodized ,4 BAFFLER Blackstone, the veteran magician, returns to the Nixon stage next week with his 30 assistants for a full length show full of baffling stunts. Lover's Wife Foils Attempted Murder Sleeping Tablets, Chloroform Used MARSHFIELD, Oct. 20 (UP) Telephone girl Mary Margaret Evans sat in jail today charged with the attempted sleeping tablet murder of the wife of her lover. Her intended victim, Mrs.

Rex Rainey, 42, wife of a local under taker, was recovering in a hospital from injuries received in defending herself from the 31-year-old Miss Evans. Police sought Rainey, believed to be in Kansas City on a business trip. Miss Evans admitted to police that she came 25 miles from fcpnngneia, armed with a stomach pump, chloroform, sleeping box of red pepper, a flashlight, rubber gloves and a toy pistol intending to commit a "perfect crime." She explained her motive as the "climax of a five year love affair with Mrs. Rainey's hus- i She put the red pepper in her shoes, she said, because she read once that would prevent bloodhounds from trailing her. She said she planned to chloroform Mrs.

Rainey and use the stomach pump to administer a solution of sleeping tablets and water while the victim was unconscious. Ingrid Divorce Agreement Denied NEW YORK, Oct. 20 (UP) Ingrid Bergman's husband has not agreed to any divorce terms, his lawyer said today. A separation agreement between the Swedish actress and her husband, Dr. Peter Lind-strom, "will have to await a meeting of respective attorneys," he added.

The lawyer Lawrence Brinn, said he had read-in. the news-1 papers I that Miss Bergman's Rome attorney had visited Dr. Lindstrom in Hollywood. But he denied that the visit had brought about an agreement on the terms. He said in the next few; days he would seek to arrane a meeting with Miss Bergman's Hollywood attorney.

He said he could not discuss the details of any proposed settlement. Persecution of Jews Abroad Shown in Exhibit Panels, documents and photographs showing the persecution of the -Jews in Poland by the Nazis and the rebirth of Polish Jews are on display at the Jewish Cultural Center, 6328 Forbes St. The exhibition will be open daily from 2 to 5 and from 8 to 10 p. m. until Sunday, Oct.

30. The exhibit was sent here by the Jewish Historical Institute and the Central Committee of Jews in Poland. Linda's Mother Robbed HOLLYWOOD, Oct. 20 Somebody entered through an unlocked door and took $1000 worth of clothing last night from the home of Mrs. Pearl Darnell, mother of Film Star Linda Darnell.

Lancaster Wilmington Moraing-aftarneoa flights? quick ene-dey roand trips Heigh MO Everybody Toil i TWO TALL TALES -in one ALL-CARTOON FEATURE, with top story-tellers Walt Disney, Bing Crosby, Basil Rathbone relating Washington living's Headless Horseman story, "The Legend of Sleepy U-ll It I IS I Solomon a Greeted by Full House Pianist Opens YM-WHA Series By RALPH LEWANDO Press Music Critic Solomon, the noted English pianist, gave the opening recital of the YM-WHA Musical Society's 24th sea son last night in Morris Kaufman Memorial Auditorium. The heralded mastery of this excellent player, who is lenown of essionally only as Solomon, accounted for the capacity audience that came to pay -him homage. The occasion was his first Pittsburgh appearance. The program comprised the Mr. Lewando Choral Prepude Bach Busoni 'Sleepers Mozart's B-flat Sonata (K-333); the Brahms "Variations and Fugue on a Handel Theme Chopin's B-flat minor Sonata; Debussy's "Voiles," "La Darise de Puck" and "Minstrels" and the "Mephisto" Waltz of Liszt Skilled Work The attributes of Solomon are those of a mature artist, thorough musician, intelligent In terpreter and temperate virtuoso.

Always his playing is governed by soberness of taste and skilled effort. His art is that which those in the know appreciate. Yet by the power of his easy manner of playmg, vitality of expression ana tonal clarity nis periormance has something that the non-musician cannot fail to grasp. Solomon favors the' classic idiom although his mastery extends beyond it. The opening Bach-Busoni piece he delivered with faithfulness to its style.

But at best this piece is not the happiest that the pianist Busoni arranged. It is austere, thick and lacking in the appeal other similar pieces have. Even- Solomon's performance could not raise it to eloquence. Like Dresden China The Mozart sonata by contrast is a delight. As lovely as an exquisite piece of Dresden china.

The three sections were etched with lightness of texture and with complete control of the fascinating details. The Brahms "Variations on a Handel Theme" is a work that does not approach the same composer's "Variations on a Haydn But all of it was negotiated by Solomon with style and commanding technical mastery. The Debussy items, played with regard for every note and phrase, proved less satisfying. The poetic content of the "Voiles" was not fully realized and the "Danse de Puck" and "Minstrels" were somewhat heavy. Following the final "Mephisto" waltz the pianist reaped an ovation.

The next YM-WHA Musical Society recital will feature the Metropolitan bass-bantone Italo Tajo on Nov. Studio Suspends Actress Lauren Baca 1 1 HOLLYWOOD, Oct. 20 (UP) Lauren Bacall, husky-voiced actross wife of Actor Humphrey Bogart, has been suspended by Warner Bros. Studio because she refused to appear for rehearsal when the studio whistled. Miss Bacall twice refused to attend rehearsals -for the movie Warners said.

Miss Bacall "Storm Center," Executive Producer Jack L. Warner indicated similar treat ment will be accorded other film stars who do not c6-operate. Smith Awards Degrees NORTHAMPTON, Oct 20 Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt and Princess Wilhelmina of the Netherlands were among 12 noted women to be awarded honorary degrees today as Smith College observed its 75th anni versary. ONOW NIGHTLY nnrpti ipitfic STARTS MONDAY, GRACIE BARRtE pound.

ever tasted!" He) ft I And that girl he expects to marry in four years: She must be intelligent, have a good sense of humor and be "not a racing beauty, but very attractive." Mass Hall I Durton Holmes PA6EANT UiiWtuf fiusprwji fandoni jA EtfBSBB BssflAaB TW SVnly taautifut "Old Dominion" "SWITZERLAND" Unipollad Kmy- qround of tlM oia wono Enchantmaat Tlckrta IVow a Talkweln'a. 32 tntERTT ATE. AT. Entln Scricsj S6.S5, $5.70. S4JI0 ImL Taa U.Jc-1 A ixonnvin urunumg Wind in the vi W.O.r OAKS Oakant Glenn Ford and Evelyn Keyea In "Mr.

Soft Touch." Plus Selected Bhorta. PARK (Greenlteld) Ann BIyth. Howard OuB In "Bed Canyon." Plus Don Barry. Sheila Ryan In "Ringside." PARK (Homestead Park) Lois Butler in in color, plus Scott Brady In "Canon City." SHEA'S ORPHECM (MeKees Ro-k Dennis Keefe to Wm. BendiK In "Coyer Up," plus Ella Raines In STATE (SS5 Fifth A.V Geo.

Raft tn "Outpost In Morrocco." Plus Pat O'Brien in "Boy With Green Hair." Owned and Operated MT. OLIVER (BrowBSTllle Rd.) Randolph Scott to George MacCready tn "Doolins of Oklahoma." it Shorts. NEW CARNEGIE (Carnegie) Loretta Young to Celeste Holm in "Come to the Stable." plus News to Cartoon. NEW GRANADA (L'ptawa) Gary Cooper In "Unconquered." plus Raymond Walburn In "Leae It to Henry." NEW GRAND (Carnegie) Wallace Ford and Jean Heather In "Red Stallion in the Rockies" and Short Subjects. (North Side) Sally Forrest in "Not Wanted." Feature 40 and 9:40.

plus Jeanne Cratn In "The Fan." -PARKWAY (W. Park. MeKees Racks) Wm. Powell In "Take One False Step." plus Musical Western Feature. REGENT (Edgewoed) Edw.

Robln- Strangers." plus Shorts. RIALTO (Mt. Oliver) June Allyvjn to "Little Women," plus "Some of the Best." ROOSEVELT (lfi! Center Ave.) Joel McCrea in "'Dead End," plus George Raft to Wm. Bendix In "Race Street." ROXIAN (MeKaea Roeks) Bowerr Boys in "Million Dollar Kid. plus Bela Lugosl In "Black Dragon." SEWICKLEY (Sewickley) Farley Granger and Charles Blekford in "Roseanna McCoy." Features 7:23 and 9:30 P.

M. 'HADVSIDE Walnat St.) AD- Stsr Cast In "Oirl From Manhattan." Plus "Mutineers." STRAND (Sharp. burg) Margaret, O'Brien In "Secret Garden," plus "A- woman's Secret. TEMPLE (Sheraden) Celeste Holrn nd Loretta Young in "Come to th plus Selected Shorts. TRIANGLE (Eaat Liberty) Dusty Fletcher in "Boarding House Blues." Plus "Phantom of the Opera." WEST END (415 South Main St.) June Haver and Ray Bolter In "Look for the Silver IPnlng." tn eolor.

i 1 Hr for Anniversary Week Oct. 24-2f with JACK WALTON'S Come Help Cut the Giant co*ke PARTIES BANQUETS EXTRA I nouow, ana jan august tun-filled "The PIANO RHYTHMS" DONALD DUCK CARTOON Distributed by RKO Radio Pictures a stadium that seats 11,000, a hockey rink that accommodates 5000, a swimming pool, several golf courses, and a hotel in which I spent the The view from my window was. magnificent. I saw nothing in Europe last summer as beautiful as the natural rolling hills, the long green valley, and the Blue Ridge mountains in the background. A discordant symphony of crows and blue jays awakened at dawn.

"Our second stop was at Lancaster, a place dear to my heart. A great, great aunt of mine, Madame Fuerree, brought her brood of children from France, got a land grant from William and started her empire in Lancas-; ter county, which, the richest county agriculturally in America. It was one of the first to grow tobacco. From Lancaster we're shoving off for Philadelphia." Shows to See And When NIXON "Light Up the Sky" Sam Levene and X-ynn Barl. Curtain at 8:30.

STANLEY "Under Capricorn" Inerid Bergman and Joseph Cotten. Feature becini at 11:00. 1:44. 4:20. ,7:05.

9:50. PENN "The Red Danube" Peter Lawford and Ethel Bsrrymore. Feature begins at 10:30. 13:44. 3:08.

5:32. 7:30. 10:00. Personal appearances of Mr. Lawford (today only) at 2:43 and 9:35 p.

m. FULTON "The Fighting Ken- tucklan" John Wayne and Vera Ralston. Feature begins at 10:45. 12:40. 2:35.

4:30. 6:25. 8:20. 10:18. J.

P. HARRIS "Red Light" George Raft and Virginia Mayo. Feature, begins at 10:45. 2:35. 4:30.

6:25, 8:20. 10:20. PLAYHOUSE "The Traitor Edward Mack and La Berry. Curtain at 8:30. CASINO Burlesque.

Stag shows at 12:30. 3:30. 7:00. 9:30. BARRY "Angels In Disguise" The Dead Ends Kids.

Also "Postal Investigator." Complete shows at 11:00. 1:06. 3:12. 5:18. 7:24.

9:30. RITZ "That Midnight Kiss" Kathryn Grayson and Jose Iturbl. Feature begins at 10:16. 12:15. 2:15.

4:15. 6:15 8:16. 10:15. WARNER "Ichabod and Mr. Toad" Walt Disney cartoon.

Feature begins at 13:00. 2:03. 4:05. 6:10. 8:10.

10:15, ART CINEMA "Son of the Sheik" Rudolph Valentino. Also. "rhe -Good Old Day." Complete shows at 11:00. 1:07. 4:22.

7:37. 8:45. SENATOR "Cover Girl" With Rita Hayworth and Gene Kelly. Also "You Were Never Lovelier." Complete shows at 11, 1:10. 2:45.

4:55. 6:35. 8:35 BUHL PLANETARIUM "The Giant Eye of Palomar" Showings at 3:16 and 8:30. A product of Oexwral Foods BlMMl () 'X rxSrK I STARTS I lfjyXiS TODAY four more years. marry before he's 30.

swim. He frequently takes his dates to the movies. Life in Hollywood is a far cry from the career retired British General Sidney Lawford and Lady Lawford visioned for their son. Young Peter was slated to follow his father's footsteps in the British Army. But when he was seven, his mother, who was active in Conservative politics in the twenties and still writes indignant letters from California to The London Times, took him to visit a friend on a British movie set.

Before the Lawfords knew it, little Pe.ter was in a movie called "Poor Old Bill." He played a half dozen other "brat" parts, but it was regarded strictly as a lark. His family spent several years traveling and arrived in Hollywood in 1938. His British accent i MUSIC Thurs. the 27th ROUTE SI AT THK CLOVMLCAP PL 1-1111 of WOOD, Atlantic 1-0182 I M'l PITTSBURGH DRIVE-IN Rt. 22.

7 Mi. E. Wilksbf. Pitcairn 1268 "Fighting Seabees." John Wayne rnd Susan Hayward. Also "Flying Tigers." John Wayne, Anna Lee.

Open 6:30. RAINBOW GARDENS LlncolnWy.Rt.48, 2 mi. off Lincoln Hy. "Canon City," Scott Brady. "Linda Be Good." Marie "Irraa" Wilson, John Hubbard.

Three shows, first 6:30 P. M. RANALLI'S DRIVE-IN Route 8 between Etna A Butler "The Champion," starring Kirk Douglas and Marilyn Maxwell. Also selected short subjects. ROUTE 19 DRIVE-IN 20 Min.

from Mt. Leb. toward Wash. Two famous French hits: Emile Zola's "Passionelle." plus Two shows nightly, 7:00 and 9:00 P. M.

SOUTH PARK DRIVE-IN Rto. 88, near South Park Entrance "He Walked By Night." Scott Brady, Richard Basehart. Color cartoon and aews. Shows 7:30 and 9:30 P. M.

SUPER 30 DRIVE-IN Route 30. near Irwin, Penna. "Ouest In The House." Ralph Bellamy, Ann Baxter. Marie MacDonald. Merrle Melody cartoon, first run SUPFR 71 DRIVE-IN Allen's Crossroads, Bella Vernon "I Remember Mams starring Irene Dunn with Oscar hom*olka.

Also se lected short subjectj. riMjM its sOA WSB IBPilIiri asni FOX TROT WALTZ RUM DA Whether you re young or old erea if you have never danced a step our trained experts know how to make you teel at ease instantly on the dance floor. Here you AIR-CONDITIONED get warm, sympatnetic understanding of your dancing problems. And the results? You'll dance better than you ever thought possible in an amazingly short time. Stop in for details at no obligation today.

230 OLIVER AVE. corner s- SI ATLAS (360S 'Perrysvllle Are.) Judy. Oarland and Van -Johnson in "Good Old Summertime," In color, plus Shorts. BEACON (Murray at Beacon Gregory Peck: Sc AVa Gardner In "The Great Sinner." phis Selected Shorts. CAROL (Broujhton) Clark Gable and Alexis Smith In "Any Number Can Plus Short Subjects.

CHESWICK (Cbeswlck, Pa.) All-Star Cast in "House on 92nd Street." Plus Short GRANT (Millrale) Abbott Costello In ''Pardon My Sarong." plus John Beal in "Key Witness." www a i an- a Dl.knvit Widmark tn "Slatterys STATE Aliqaippa)-Clenn Ford and Tiu shnri RiihisctK Gloria De Hayen in Ooctor ana tne Plus snort Buojects. 1 GlrL" plus Selected Shorts. METROPOLITAN Bloomfleld Payne Joan Caulfield In "Larceny." I WILMER Wilmerdinf Ida Lupins plus Lyle Talbot In "They Raid by presents "Not WanUd," the Story of Night." I An Unwed TONITE YOUR nOUIE 0 OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA L- 7 n. Pi (ndepandantly ARC'DE (Sooth Side) Richard Widmark in "Slattery's Hurricane," plus Richard Ney in "Secret of St. Ives." ARCADIA (North Side) Tyrone Power to Gene Tierney in "That Wonderful Urge," plus "Bungalow 13." BELLEVUE (Bellevue) Jennifer Jones and John Garfield in "We' Were Strangers," plus Shorts.

BRIGHTON (North Side) Ronald Reagan In "Night Unto Night," plus Mickey Rooney in "Killer McCoy." BRUSIITON (Till Brasbton Ave.) Dan Dalley In "You're My Everything." Plus Wm. Lundegan in "Mystery In Mexico." CAPITOL (Allen town) Farley Granger to Joan Evans in "Roseanna McCoy." plus Cartoon to News. Ull llHii if li 1 1 i '1 rn ummviuLiiuiiimiinjiu 1 -1 sssssXLVll r'r 'rOV' I ABC DRIVE-IN THEATRE Rt. 88, 3 Milca North of Ambridga Season's biggest comedy bargain. "Life of Riley." Plus "Ma and Pa Kettle." Open 6.

first show 7:00. second 9:45. BLUE DELL 8 Ml. C. Wilksbrr.

Kt.30 Valley 1531 "Velvet Touch." Rosalind Russell. Lea Olenn and Claire Trevor. Plus comedy cartoon. Shows 7 and 9:. BROOKSIDE DRIVE-IN Rochester Biff Sewickley Creek Rds.

"Yellow Sky." Gregory iVck, Ann Baxter. Plus cartoon arid shorts. Urst show 7:30. second at 9:30 P. M.

Et RANCHO DRIVE-JrT 8 Ml. from Pgh Rt.28 W. Bridge ville "My Dream Is yours" 'Technicolor). Doris Day. Jack Carson.

Lee Boraan. ive Arden. Selected short bubjecs. KENMAWR DRIVE-IN Rt. 51 betw.

McKees Rocks-Coraopolis "It Happened on 5th Avenue." Gall Storm, Don DePore. Shorts and cr-toon. Opens two shows, MAPLE DRIVE-IN Rt. 30 10 Mi. E.

Wilksbff. Irwin 269-R "South of St. Louis'" (Technicolor), Joel McCrea, Alexis Smith, Zachary Scott 8horts. kJ0 P.f. PENN LINCOLN DRIVE-IN Rts.

22-30 West, Near Imperial "The Fabulous Dorseys," starring the Dorsey Brothers. Also selected short subjects and cartoon. Susan Hayward in "Housa of DOUBLE EXPOSURE? Your first whiff when you unseal the can will convince you that Boscul, the only famous master roaster to use "before-and-after' blending, packs extra flavor for every cupful; NOPE! Stable." Plus Short Subjects. COLONIAL (Sooth Side) Randolph Scott tn "Return of the Badmn." plus Billy Gilbert in "Spotlight Scandals." EASTWOOD (Frankstown Rd.) Barbara Stanwyck In "The Lady plus Jimmy Lydon in "Tucson." EMBASSY (Aspiawail) Dean Stack-well In "Secret Garden," plus Randolph Scott In "Doolins of Oklahoma." GARDEN (North Side) Dan Duryea In "Johnny Stool Pigeon." Plus Robert Paige in "Frontier Badmen." GERARD (West View) Teresa Wright to David Niven in "Enchantment," plus "Daughter of the Jungle." HAZELWOOD (431 Second Ave.) Dan Dally and Anne Baxter in "You're mj crci luuik. plus news.

HILLTOP (Allentown) Loretta Young Celpste Hnlm in "Cnm to th. Stable." plus Cartoon to News. HIPPODROME (North Side) Lloyd Nolan In "Guadalcanal Diary." Plus Hugh Beaumont in "Money Madness." MARYLAND (Blawnox) Howard Duff in "Calamity Jane and Sam Bass." Features at 7:15 and 9:20 P. M. to more cupfuls to the the best I've set Same woman after aiscoyering that new La France Bluing actually adds whiteness to clothes i makes them whiter than newl SILVER LAKE DRIVE-IN THEATRE On Wmthington Blvd.

Juat Bmlttw Frankmtown Eamt End. HI. 1-189S ONLY OUTDOOR THEATRE WITHIN CITY OF PITTSBURGH "Rachel and the Stranger," Robt. Mttchum, Loretta Younff. "Riff Rail," iMRftnnjJeflreypn I.

The Pittsburgh Press from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Name: Allyn Kozey

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