[TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (2024)

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (1)

    @TealOpal 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +65

    Hey all! I'd like to real quick apologize for sounding like I'm either on death's door or fresh off of smoking a whole carton of cigarettes in this video. I was recovering from a sudden illness when I recorded it, and while I would have liked to wait longer, you unfortunately can't really "Call in sick" when it comes to content. I hope y'all are able to enjoy regardless!

    • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (2)

      @TriggerzConnors8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      where's bearded expense clip video. I know you privated it.

    • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (3)

      @TealOpal 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      bro that thing's long gone lol. i permanently deleted it like four years ago.@@TriggerzConnors

    • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (4)

      @heretichazel8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      really sucks that it's that way, it's not like your audience cares if a video is a week late but the algorithm sure does

    • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (5)

      @TriggerzConnors8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@TealOpal reason?

    • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (6)


      @@heretichazelreall- ACKKK

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (7)

    @thecalliezone63328 หลายเดือนก่อน +138

    I feel like the dead ringer would become a much more interesting weapon if, instead of the dead ringer instantly activating upon any damage taken, activates upon any damage taken that would have killed the spy otherwise. In doing so, the spy would be consistently at low health when dead ringing, leaving him in a highly precarious situation and having the spy have to prioritize being stealthy and unpredictable, but can still be punished by opponents also being unexpected and unpredictable, catching the spy with their dead ringer down.

    • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (8)

      @jackmack41818 หลายเดือนก่อน +20

      I hate playing against Dead Ringer Spies not because they keep killing me, but because I keep killing them.
      It’s frustrating to see a spy disguise as a scout and die immediately to a single bullet from heavy’s gun and they expect “haha now that I’m dead no one’s going to expect me” but it keeps failing.
      It makes spy’s dumb by making believe other players are dumb

    • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (9)

      @concerningindividual6298 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@jackmack4181I hate playing against dead ringer spies too, for a similar reason, half of the time it's obvious they used the dead ringer, and now i either have to use excessive time and ammo to finish them off, or ignore them and hope they take the hint to not go for me again

    • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (10)

      @Sasha-zw9ss8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@jackmack4181 It is more annoying when they're not even trying to deceive you, behaving more like they're laughing at your face.

    • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (11)

      @Maxi-Gonz.7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Sounds like a good concept, but needs some tweeks. Bullets would be the most punishing because of their low damage output per shot, so instead of damage that should kill you, I'd say damage that lowers your health to a certain %. Like, faking your death upon reaching 30% your base health. That or activating upon taking a certain % of Spy's base health. Like activating after taking damage equivalent to 50% Spy's base health.

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (12)

    @Winged-h7y8 หลายเดือนก่อน +103

    As a medic main, the vac is good when there is one guy on the enemy team that is carrying that you cant rely on your team to actually kill

    • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (13)

      @Mr.Knight_guard1st8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      How about quick fix?

    • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (14)

      @ammi53118 หลายเดือนก่อน

      You can play every pick class over

    • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (15)

      @imtoolazyforaprofilepic49618 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I use vaccinator because its fun.
      Other mediguns are just, keep the beam on dude and don't die, if you are feeling fancy, mix a crusader crossbow fromt time to time.
      Vaccinator? Hella fun.

    • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (16)

      @Karatarari8 หลายเดือนก่อน +15

      @@ammi5311 Stopping yourself from playing one of the most powerful classes just to pick off one guy isn't viable, might as well just Vac

    • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (17)

      @paulservary53608 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@Mr.Knight_guard1st check out Theory-y for a quick fix gigachad. I learned how to play medic from them :)

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (18)

    @ZaTrapu8 หลายเดือนก่อน +73

    Fun fact: 7 of the 9 classes only have bullet damage (yes the huntsman and the syringe guns count as bullet damage) while the other 3 have explosive and fire resistance respectfully. And the fact that you can pop 2 different damage type bubbles at the same time. Just pop an explosive and bullet and you're almost invincible 8 of the 9 classes. It's also annoying that you can carry the intel, push the cart, and capture a point. It doesn't help that the uber rate charge so fast and is always charging even with a bubble is in effect. Pyros, demoknights, and spies can be easily dealt with if you're not an idiot

    • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (19)

      @potatoweaver41168 หลายเดือนก่อน

      yeah you're right.

    • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (20)

      @isenokami78108 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      How the hell did Valve ever think this was okay?

    • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (21)

      @ZaTrapu8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@isenokami7810 no clue

    • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (22)

      @angelogaray80193 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @isenokami7810 Probably because it gives resistance instead of complete invulnerability. It’s a neat concept on paper, but the execution is just awful.

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (23)

    @xavibun8 หลายเดือนก่อน +26

    Fun fact: You don't need to keep your medibeam on a teammate for them to have the full duration of a vaccinator shield, so flashing bullet shields on snipers during sniper duels is stupidly effective

    • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (24)

      @potatoweaver41168 หลายเดือนก่อน

      yeah I was about to mention that. It's pretty busted because you can arrow tank someone while they are under the effects of a Vac Uber. Meanwhile you're still building another uber at the same time you are using an uber. Those two things should be removed and then the Vaccinator probably wouldn't be as annoying to deal with.

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (25)

    @gorgesmith81028 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    The Natasha is far less hated then the wrangler, scorch shot, dimond back, or kunai from what I've heard. It's just so underutilized and mediocre compared to the rest of the miniguns that people have just gotten over it since people don't have to fight it often.
    When it does come up people primarily consider it annoying and bullsh*t, but that's mostly scouts who would have otherwise gotten around a corner or jumped over your head when they probably would have died from the sheer damage output anyways. But those same scouts will complain about literally anything that kills them consistently, eyelander demo-knight, direct hit, dragons fury pyro, mini sentries, or rather, engineer in general. Anything they can't consistently run at in a straight line and 2 shot for free kills because "that's what they deserve"... Yeah don't listen to sc*nts.
    Demoknights hate it because "getting in melee range hard", despite being one of the hardest classes in the game to kill. Basically anything that impairs movement they'll inevitably hate, mini sentries, force a nature, pyro...
    Medic, sniper, spy, engineer, heavy, and solider are all rather fine with the natasha because it doesn't really do much to them other then deals less damage and kills them slowly with no chance of getting away instead of killing them quickly before they can get away.
    Pyros and solders will occasionally dislike it because rocket jumping being easy to interrupt and pyros not being able to get close will rub salt in the wound. On the other hand heavy counters pyro low key anyways and solders just hate having their rocket jumps interrupted so dispite low key countering sniper as a pick class they'll still hate sniper because they got shot out of the air for jumping at them.
    Anyways, long story short the Natasha is annoying but I think it's far from the worst and far from one of the 3 most hated weapons in the game. Hell I think people hate the Bison more for being bad over the Natasha being annoying.

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (26)

    @incorporealnuance8 หลายเดือนก่อน +12

    LOL didn't expect to hear Joel's anti-alien alarm here 🧡

    • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (27)

      @LilPolemistisXL8 หลายเดือนก่อน


    • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (28)

      @Agent_ArcticFox8 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (29)

    @bossbrozork30228 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    Important fact: you can actually ignore slow effects by strafing (a.k.a w+a)

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (30)

    @RyanORourke188 หลายเดือนก่อน +24

    One thing I've noticed about the Dead Ringer is that it's somewhat kneecapped during Halloween and full moons. It's a weird edge case, but I've found it's much easier to tell when a Spy is using the DR during those events. Just shot a Spy and saw the ragdoll flop over? Wait a second for the "soul collected" sound and/or particle effect, or wait for the "click-beep" of your Halloween contract progressing. It's still metagaming, as discussed in the video, but it's a much more passive and less distracting way to determine if there's a Dead Ringer on the enemy team.

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (31)

    @Generic_Doodles8 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    I hate every single weapon that isn’t the classic because they aren’t the classic

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (32)

    @LifeIsRoblox13648 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    You can also tell if a spy uses the dead ringer by listening to your hit-sound, if you “kill” them and it plays the regular hit-sound it’s a DR if it’s the kill-sound then they are actually dead

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (33)

    @BeaverBotics28 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    I'm really happy to see the Vaccinator and Dead Ringer get their due, but I am shocked the Wrangler wasn't included over the Natscha since that is easily the single most hated Engineer weapon in the game. The fact it takes away the limited range weakness of the sentry and turns the engineer into even more of a nuisance with its "tank all health" shield makes it extremely unfun to fight against, and requires so much effort to destroy with so little effort effort required from the engineer himself. It also makes engineer stacking even more of a problem than it already is.

    • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (34)

      @Jasiuc3307 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thing is Wrangler ain't that strong if you know how to deal with it, the only exception I would remove from it is that when you switch weapon and your sentry is rebooting trough these 3s it don't have shield.
      Wrangler should be last resort weapon for Engi rather than ultimate save sentry card.
      But why I think wrangler ain't that bad?
      While the shield is op and another thing like range and fire rate is just amazing, it all goes to one single drowback.
      You as Engineer aim, not sentry, meaning that detection are is way smaller than it normally is with one up side of unlimited range, which ain't that great any way cause wrangler cause Sentry to gain spreed and outside of sentry working range, dmg fall-off is fast and huge.
      Yet like I said Engineer must aim with sentry
      and it opens a lot room to quickly deal with it.
      Spies have easier job, cause Engies not pay attention to them, but on potential target, and it may result on easy Sentry sap or back stab
      Engi to aim at you must see you.
      Which mean he will be also in your line of sight which mean that you can focus on him and since Engi is fragile enough, killing him will disable sentry as well
      You can also force Engi to retreat or hide, and he can't shoot what he can't see.
      I understand that someone will go "it's easier said than done", but if you know what are you doing then wrangler is not so scary.
      I noticed peoples focus only on sentry and then complain that wrangler is op.
      Where the weakpoint is just standing here and shooting you

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (35)

    @Chaos_Vergil8 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    If I remember correctly, the Natasha's slow effect (along with the Sandman's) is bugged in a way that cripples the weapon heavily. If the target mashes A and D while moving forward or backward the slow effect just doesn't work. So if you're pissed about dealing with the Natasha, just spam A and D while moving forward or backward. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong about this.

    • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (36)

      @potatoweaver41168 หลายเดือนก่อน

      You're right, this is true. However the weapon design is flawed regardless and shouldn't be in TF2.

    • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (37)

      @HellecticMojo8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@potatoweaver4116 just kill the heavy.

    • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (38)

      @iflyplanesthrutunnels8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      you can also just hold A or D

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (39)

    @fractalisomega95178 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    The biggest issue with the Vaccinator is how easily it beats enemy encounters, other Mediguns have a vulnerability to ambush plays that can cost the Medic an extremely powerful ability or his life… but the Vacc not only counters the ambusher since most classes have one damage type but is also low cost to use the Uber

    • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (40)

      @isenokami78108 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Not to mention if you go up against another med-pocket duo that already has their Uber, the Vacc still wins that fight. So what if the two of you are invincible, the enemy med can just invalidate your pocket’s damage immediately and keep the shields up after your stock Uber’s done. 40 seconds down the drain. Kritz and Quick are screwed even worse, at least the Vacc can’t kill you while stalling out stock. And this will always happen because the Vacc practically always has Uber.

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (41)

    @BigJoeySlaps8 หลายเดือนก่อน +17

    I would genuinely love it if Valve made an "anti-vacc" update where the only note, the only change was "removed vaccinator"

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (42)

    @lenship28 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

    imo the vaccinator is the only way playing medic becomes a genuinely fun experience

    • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (43)

      @ammi53118 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Dead ringer prime

    • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (44)

      @migitri4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I think playing Medic is fun in pretty much every way, but maybe I'm just a masoch*st.

    • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (45)

      @WarTie18 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@migitrisame here

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (46)

    @imaginarymenageriemanager63038 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    The Vaccinator is heavily game mode dependent. It's a pretty bad medigun overall, that's almost never worth switching to unless you play certain modes or run into a specific set of enemies. The only ones whining about it are people like FishStick, who see the game through a KOTH/6s lens. It's like the QF, a side-grade that's almost never worth using, due to the fact that the most important mechanic, the uber charge, sucks.

    • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (47)

      @anonymousAJ8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Vacc is legal in HL and not used
      Overheal is too good

    • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (48)

      @cloudynguyen65278 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Huh, Fishsticks? Is that the guy defends Sniper Rifle and dislikes Huntsman?

    • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (49)

      @imaginarymenageriemanager63038 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@cloudynguyen6527 I can't remember, I've stopped watching him ages ago. But yes, weird takes like that. Usually unfounded or leaving out a part of the puzzle.

    • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (50)

      @isenokami78108 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      No, I’ve had some personal pretty bad experiences with it myself, and I’m a very casual player. The Vacc is the anti-fun button, Teal’s entire description mostly sums up what playing against it is like. What he missed is that it will just win against a medic using anything else.
      It is a medigun that invalidates attacks against the medic using it along with anyone else he decides to share the shield with, so often that you will never take him down unless you bring an unhealthy amount of your team to kill one guy. There is no way in hell that’s remotely okay at any level or mode of play.

    • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (51)

      @imaginarymenageriemanager63038 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      ​@@isenokami7810 That's not how TF2 plays out though, unless again, you're not playing regular pubs. That or you're playing with half a team. With 12 players or something around that number it's definitely stronger, but in a 24p server you'll be hard-pressed to even notice the Vaccinator.
      Saying you've had "some" bad experiences with it doesn't mean much. Unless every major encounter with it sucked and was on a full server.
      People are biased and will use crooked logic to justify their claims.

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (52)

    @danielsurvivor13728 หลายเดือนก่อน +14

    Never understood Natasha hate even as a guy who plays Scout a ton. Literally there's more counterplay vs natash heavy then MINI engy, let alone regular sentry engy.
    Sure it's harder to juke Natasha heavy and if he hits ya you almost dead, but so is getting caught off by big sentry. Atleast it's possible to jump around Heavy before he hits you and since tons of Natasha heavies use it as crutch, it will be easier to jump on their heads and punish them.. ya can't do that with free aimbot gun engy has.
    As for DR, that's... Refreshingly interesting take. I don't think I heard a single youtuber say "DR isn't OP, but the way it works makes other unlocks op" I still kindly disagree since I don't think DR was EVER banned in ANY comp format, not even highlander, so if it was balanced there, why is it suddenly op in casual? Never have I had an issue with DR spies, you just pop that bastard twice, what's the big deal? Besides you could've always been stabbed by other spy after killing one spy so it's not like you were free from spychecking after killing one spy when there could be many more of em.
    Imho DR like other Spy unlocks were never op, they were infact VERY balanced and made Spy almost viable, but since Tf2 community hates Spy being remotely more than free meal, they... Raged. Same goes for trickstabs. Even though I don't play Spy often, I can still usually avoid their trickstabs and yet some ppl still want hitboxes to be "fixed"

    • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (53)

      @ammi53118 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Reasonable spy take on non spy main ? No way

    • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (54)

      @hawkticus_history_corner8 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Something you have to remember is that the original DR *was* busted out the ass, turning Spy into an incredibly tanky class when it's not supposed to be. That fact is where a lot of hate comes from.
      Now, the current DR is... Fine. It's a super cool concept that just doesn't really work properly and it's kinda dumb over all. Largely cuz it's noisy as hell and doesn't even work in the way you'd want it to.
      It's just kinda goofy

    • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (55)

      @plantain.17397 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      The thing that irritates me with the Natasha is that a scout is basically always dead facing a heavy dead on. Like, any decent heavy or a subpar one such as myself can deal with a scout. Unless it's like a guy who spent 10,000 hours in competitive, you can take him. You're f*cked anyways.
      Also I don't think the DR is particularly broke, just, annoying. But less so then snipers, so it gets a pass.

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (56)

    @StoryTeller7968 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    At least the Vaccinator buffs every class that has health, healing, and damage taking problems, particularly Rocket Jumping and Sticky Jumping happy Soldiers and Demomen, Scouts, especially those with the Baby Face's Blaster, and Heavies with their Gloves of Running Urgently, their Buffalo Steak Sandvich, and more. Heck, I could imagine a world where the meta in one casual server would be Buffalo Steak Sandich and Vaccinator Medics and everyone would have the time of their lives.

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (57)

    @rockowlgamer6318 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    As a fellow heavy main, I like using the brass beast along with the hibernating bear set. The Natasha sucks to fight against so my suggestion is to change that slow on hit to speed boost on hit but the speed on lasts for a second unless you constantly hit them, turning the gun from a nuisance so more fun speed killing.

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (58)

    @drucy.8 หลายเดือนก่อน +24

    12:40 Technically, a rev'd up Natasha with full overheal will survive a full charge headshot (due to the damage resistance (the same as the Brass Beast) ALSO triggering for any shot that brings you down to half or less HP). And you can't kill a full HP heavy with two quickscope since they will both do 140 damage (again, due to the damage resistance) which will leave the Heavy on 20 HP instead of killing him... So yeah, it does kinda counter Sniper as well, in a way that it allows Heavy to just stroll in a sightline without plan or any second thought and not be punished for it.
    ...Come to think of it, it cements even more its title as a crutch...

    • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (59)

      @anonymousAJ8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Getting brought down to 20 is still a punish

    • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (60)

      @drucy.8 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      @@anonymousAJ Much less than being dead, tho.
      You can retreat and eat a sandvich and it'll be like it never happened.
      And now, you know there's a Sniper there without sacrificing your life for it.

    • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (61)

      @antiheartless458 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I don't think it fits being a crutch if that were true more people would use it but rarely see any heavies use it.

    • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (62)

      @drucy.8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@antiheartless45 Most Heavy players have honor, and as such won't use weapons they see as crutch.
      Hell, I'm a Sniper main, and one time I was dominating that Heavy that seemed like he was maining Heavy (like he knew to spam crouch and small random movements to try and avoid headshots, he often turned around to check for Spies, he gave sandvich to his Medic, waited for the team to be there then spearheaded the attack, etc...).
      At one point, I asked him why he didn't use the Fists-of-Steel and he answered that he viewed those as a crutch for Heavies with bad positioning, and that he considered Snipers and Spies to be a natural counter to Heavy, and thus wasn't too upset when getting dominated by one.
      Heavy mains are surprisingly very honorfull, even if it means having it harder than they should.

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (63)

    @Yozzoy8 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

    Obviously not op by any means, but I hate getting bodyshotted by the Machina when I'm playing a bulkier class. It always leaves the taste of "I bet if it didnt have that damage boost I'd have lived" you know?

    • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (64)

      @ethandavis73108 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

      At least the sniper had to give up noscoping, and further commit to the bodyshot by filling the charge before shooting. A slow and deliberate play for a well-timed pick is what sniper should be doing all the time

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (65)

    @jacobbaker24418 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I’m actually shocked not a single flare gun made it on this list. Now maybe that’s just personal beef I have with pyros but still

    • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (66)

      @ethandavis73108 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      You're not alone, scorch and also detonator to some extent are kinda busted

    • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (67)

      @shmoking4668 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Hell yea no one talks bad about the detonator, uts not as hard to use as people make it out to be. You basically can light anybody on fire as long as the aoe can hit them, so the timed detonation is really strong. Also can get rid of stickies like the ss

    • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (68)

      @ethandavis73108 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@shmoking466 Yeah if eel like during the balancing of the flares they just went "It's easier for scorch and detonator to land afterburn damage but they don't get the full crit like base flare so it's balanced" without taking a second to think about the implications of being able to very easily apply FULL AFTERBURN from any distance

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (69)

    @Sk1vo8 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    I can understand the want to bring up other weapons, as the three shown earlier in the video (scorch shot, wrangler, and diamondback) have all been talked about to extensive lengths. However, I have to disagree with the Dead Ringer take completely.
    Yes, it used to be overpowered. Being able to survive a backstab was ridiculous and I’m glad it’s in the state it’s in now. Yes, it does change the play style of the spy drastically (not a bad thing though). Sure, it can be annoying to fight against, but it never feels impossible. Vaccinator and Natasha can at times feel that way, especially with a competent medic for vacc and a decent heavy with some game sense.
    Dead ringer spy though, it’s fairly easy once you get the hang of it to tell when a spy has a dead ringer. Newer players do have to learn about that but that’s not new, even for other weapons. But that’s not where I have an issue with it. The idea that it makes other unlocks even more op is not a fair statement, with one of the examples you gave. Kuni I can understand why that statement was said, as a DR kuni spy is incredibly frustrating to fight against, especially a competent one. The overheal kuni can give plus a “get out of jail free card” is at times just incredibly difficult to fight against. However, diamondback saying it makes it stronger I can’t agree with. Diamondback is already an absurdly broken weapon, regardless of what knife or watch you use. Free crits for doing what the spy is intended for is stupid, given the fact that crits don’t have damage falloff and two shots can kill nearly all 9 classes (crit does 102 damage per shot, so only heavy and battalions backup soldier can survive without overheal at any range from 2 shots). Ambassador used to have this problem until it was nerfed and the headshot damage falloff was implemented. So saying DR makes it even more broke is imo not a fair statement.
    Overall, good video. Been enjoying these videos lately, just wanted to bring that up

    • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (70)

      @ethandavis73108 หลายเดือนก่อน

      The diamondback does get better with the DR though. The most common situation to be in as a spy is to get a stab and need to escape. The dr allows spies to escape with crits much more easily than any other watch, meaning a diamondback with the DR will have more stored crits on average than another watch

    • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (71)

      @shmoking4668 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@ethandavis7310 but imagine an invis watch spy 2 tapping everyone and just cloaks away, people also forget that if a Dr spy were to use another watch they wouldn't even seen him in the first place.

    • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (72)

      @ethandavis73108 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@shmoking466 judging the situation and cloaking when you think you need to (terrible death if you're wrong)vs going all out and pressing right click to get out for free. The dr is much more consistent in that situation.

    • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (73)

      @ethandavis73108 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Like yeah sure it's possible to do well with invis watch no doubt but a lot of spies don't bother because dr gives so much for so little

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (74)

    @yazan_q8 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    8:40 THE UNIVERSE!

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (75)

    @adamjsher048 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    to add to the checks for the dead ringer, the ammo box all classes drop when they die. If they've faked their death, you will not gain ammo.
    Though correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the Eyelander Demoknight benefit off it? Iirc you DO gain heads off a faked death

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (76)

    @loxartofficial8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Anything with bleed. Satisfying to use against others, absolute nightmare to get bled to death from miles away.

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (77)

    @TheGleeb28 วันที่ผ่านมา

    14:39 words cannot justify how jealous I am of you, you have an Aubrey plushie!!!

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (78)

    @namvutranngoc69456 หลายเดือนก่อน

    for those who don't know, afterburn partially negates resistance effects (by 20%). this also applies to the vaccinator, specifically the vaccinator's ability to protect you from critical damage bonuses.
    this essentially means that phlog crits will shred through vaccinator regardless of bubble pops, since you'll be dealing (100 - 75 * 0.8) = 40% of your base damage (since the vacc bubble has a 75% resistance to fire but reduced to 60%) plus (100 - 0.8 * 100) = 20% of your critical bonus damage (which is twice your weapon's base damage) you'll be dealing a total of 40% + 2 * 20% = 80% of your base weapon's damage.
    and what do you know, 80% of a flamethrower's damage is probably enough to chew through a 150 HP medic.

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (79)

    @sonitrok24997 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    The dead ringer is amazing if you can combine the tanking and the baiting. You gave too many credit to the tanking aspect (especially post nerf). You don't seem to be a massive spy player to make a mistake like this

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (80)

    @SpacatoTT8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Weapons id out on this list:
    Sniper Rifle, Machina, Hitman's Headmaker and Bazaar Bargain

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (81)

    @DylanBelievesInTheNet8 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Eyyyyy you know what weapons I hate? All of 'em ha haaaa just a bit of banter :)

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (82)

    @CrimsonCrusader693 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The sweatiest use of the Vaxinator I've ever seen was a Natasha Heavy with 2 vax medic pockets meaning he had unlimited bubbles for at least two damage sources and the Natasha meant no one could get into melee range, this cursed Heavy Medic gangb*ng just waddled across the map destroying everyone it encountered and bulldozed through a 5CP match.

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (83)

    @ethandavis73108 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I think in terms of stripping player agency, the scorch shot should definitely be included in the list. For zero risk or skill on behalf of the pyro, at the very least you're slapped with full afterburn. If the shot lands directly, you're stunned and receive a minicrit along with the full afterburn and initial hit. This amount of damage is lethal outright for light classes and still too big to ignore for most other situations. The result is the hit player needing to retreat, find a health pack, or otherwise completely change their entire gameplan. This should not be possible to achieve by spamming projectiles from across the map that do aoe.

    • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (84)

      @craigkuhlman68698 หลายเดือนก่อน

      It's technically not a stun anymore so than Airblast is, but it too gets some folks' blood to boil. And as for light classes being fragile, that's sort of the point for being a LIGHT class. Although if the Scorch Shot is not permissible due to long-range and high damage, that same sort of thought process can be applied to Sniper as a class (whether that's valid or not a comparison).

    • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (85)

      @ethandavis73108 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@craigkuhlman6869 You're not wrong, but from a gameplay perspective I don't think the pyro should be able to do this. Yes light classes should be more vulnerable, but I believe the scorch crosses the line. I don't think long range burst damage is bad, but sniper also has balance issues.

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (86)

    @cetadel65974 หลายเดือนก่อน

    For the Vaccinator, it changes Medic's role. His über is meant to be a stalemate breaker, but with the Vax he can break stalemates 4 TIMES.
    Rework idea:
    The Vaccinator (Level 1 Medigun)
    +250% charge rate
    -25 health
    -10% damage
    4 übers
    100% slower Overhealth building
    When used, übercharge gives a shot of 75 health to your heal target automatically. Passively give a minor resistance to one of three types of damage.
    The Dead Ringer:
    If Spy would take a Killing Blow while this watch is out, instead cloak at five healthpoints maximum and a 200% damage resistance.
    Spy can hold the Dead Ringer out for one second before it Overheats and he must put it away for five.
    Spy does not shimmer while Dead Rung, but cannot pick up pickups while cloaked and will be cloaked for 2.5 seconds. He will have invincibility for 0.25 seconds, and Fire Resistance for 0.5 seconds.
    The Natascha:
    Swap out a 20% slow for a 20% greater Knockback.

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (87)

    @master-pz5ed8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1


  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (88)

    @venomousbook8 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    i don't really use the natasha but i don't really use the brass beast either, my fav weapon for heavy is of course the tomislav

    • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (89)

      @TJ-hg6op8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Tomislav and stock will always be the best options.

    • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (90)

      @Bluestlark8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Tomi and stock are both so good and versatile
      I do use brass beast when I wanna do something different
      but nothing beats tomi for me, the faster rev and faster positioning options are a treat for me!

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (91)

    @brennonplays8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The perfectly dubbed lemonade bit cracked me up lol

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (92)

    @Karatarari8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I find it so comical that the Natasha is an "Overwatch Weapon in TF2" when Overwatch wasn't even in concept stage most likely when the Natasha came out even in its MMO era. Yes I get it though, CC is a thing Overwatch LOVES to play with to the detriment of the players sanity and its practically just a joke saying it.

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (93)

    @fractalisomega95178 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Natasha isn’t really bad it just ensures the outcome of a matchup vs the Heavy
    It’s arguably worse but if you get into his range with the plan of bouncing out when you get low on HP to abuse the Heavy’s low speed you’ll find yourself in trouble
    Natasha Heavies demand that their enemies commit to a fight

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (94)

    @mrexists54008 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    A good spy with a dead ringer, kunai and l'tranger is nigh unkillable. ringer and kunai for tanking, tranger for getting the resistance back quicker. Basically a fast heavy that can insta kill

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (95)

    @anonymousAJ8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Vaccinator is weak in pubs
    (Medic is one of my most-played classes, including in competitive)
    Overheal is the single most powerful aspect of Medic in large teams (like pubs or HL)
    If so, why do people complain?
    Vaccinator provides obvious feedback
    Overheal provides minimal feedback
    You also missed one weakness
    Pyro flamethrowers reduce Vacc resistance
    So flaming down the combo + team focusing them can deal decent damage even through relevant bubbles
    And Phlog or Backburner can shred alone even through a fire bubble

    • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (96)

      @feverdreams178 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yeah the Jungle Inferno Update added that all flamethowers interrupt medic's healing so it will stop it if the medic is hit directly, meaning a pyro ambush can completely shut down the vacc. Resistance or no resistance.

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (97)

    @touatiamir75927 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    As medic main , u should use the crossbow too after u pooped an uber
    So u r healing penalty is reddened

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (98)

    @SanderTheco*ckatoo8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    What I noticed with vaccinator is I cannot make enemy under shield be stunned with holiday punch, well at least by random crit into his face.
    Also kritzkreg negates the damage fall off effect because crits don't have fall off which makes slow debuff even more devastating.

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (99)

    @sandvicheatfresh8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    scout: force a nature (only really the stupid double tap script), the old crit a cola and the old sandman
    soldier: black box when used with the conch.
    pyro: phlog and scorch shot, braindead wm1, bullsh*t pointblank reflects
    demo: skullcutter, loch and load and braindead sticky spam
    engi: wrangler and short circuit
    medic: vaccinator
    sniper: any rifle besides the piss rifle (best rifle) and classic, jarate bushwaka crutch combo
    spy: ambassador, dead ringer kuni crutch combo

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (100)

    @Habarich.8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    That one specific weapon being used by the one who destroys you without dying even once to you or with your assistance

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (101)

    @michaeladames49328 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Honestly, I love using the vac, and I'm glad to be told just what exactly is wrong with it by someone with a level head and with actual ways to ballance it out. Not make it terrible, but to make it engaging for the enemy to deal with.
    Medic's job is to heal/protect his heal targets, so It always baffled me why people hated it so much. It was always something about you can't do anything about it, when I know that's a damn lye and dye all the time when using it, just as much as I would with the stock uber, if not more. Though that's just me, and I often get rushed down or snuck up on by 3-4 players at once, one of witch is usually a spy or pyro

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (102)

    @TheManDude8 หลายเดือนก่อน


    • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (103)

      @flyingdonkey95998 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I saw it and immediately went into the comments lol

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (104)

    @ThatWolfArrow8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    A bit late, but I would personally argue that the wrangler has a growing case for it being the most hated weapon in the game simply by virtue of how unreasonably tanky it makes engineer's sentry. Sentries are meant to be an obstacle, not a wall to be overcame. But the wrangler allows the engineer to singlehandedly force the other team to coordinate around his presense. Because there's no way you can stuff out an effective 600 hp level 3 on your own. Combined with the fact that the effective range of sentries are vastly increased due to the manual control the engineer has over his gun, and you can imagine how people can find this weapon obnoxious.

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (105)

    @togeluga_the_cat8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    as a guy who mainly plays demo-knight and has encountered once in a full moon a natascha heavy
    if that sticky foot is anywhere in your game hud, M2 is not an option

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (106)


    I always hated the argument for the vacinator being balanced because "just use team focus fire". Like yeah, thats how you counter every medigun!

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (107)

    @HellecticMojo8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I'm glad that these weapons exist in the state that it does

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (108)


    14:20 moments before disaster

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (109)

    @randomclustermissile87018 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The giveaway I always use with a dead ringer spy is to try and pack up the ammo pack he drops. If you can't pick it up, it was a dead ringer. Don't know why this is a feature, but it is

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (110)

    @twistedturnip84876 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The vaccinator has a special place in weapon hell along with the kunai and scorch shot, weapons that are "yeah really, really f*cking good" but everyone including me will want to start breaking your bones for using them until you stop f*cking using them (TBH i don't really have an issue with the other two in the video as much, the Natascha is so rarely used it never really comes up and the dead ringer more often than not as you said is only ever used in really obvious ways, there is a 50/50 shot the spy just dies after anyway and once once the spy uses it he reveals it as his watch and the enemy can work around it.)

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (111)

    @nickname54478 หลายเดือนก่อน

    It's really hard to make new mediguns because of how important medic is.

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (112)

    @angel_dust_the_prostitute48167 หลายเดือนก่อน

    13:03 this thing is even MORE of a beast on X10 servers, holy sh*t I got this as a random and I got like 25 kills with it on X10 2fort.

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (113)

    @hippolyte52488 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I dont particularly enjoy to foster hate but I always play vacc because it feels like it makes playing medic interesting
    Great vid

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (114)

    @gmanplaysgames2568 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I never have trouble picking up on a Dead Ringer, if a Spy that I did not witness de-cloak dies instantly to what shouldn't be lethal damage I immediately assume he dead rang, and I'm usually right.

    • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (115)

      @ivantan28417 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Don't understand the hate for DR... it's so easy to predict + got nerfed so hard to the ground + spy is the weakest class + gets sh*t on by all classes

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (116)

    @Soldier_Sprout7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Imagine using the Vaccinator on a Pyro, with Fire Resistance

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (117)

    @CursedMoistMan6908 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Kinda funny how the frontier justice isnt hated, but diamond back is, even though they do similar things

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (118)

    @KingTigerGuy8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    i really liked the Natascha when it had the boosted ammo capacity. Personally i think it would be good to give it that back over the slowdown, keep the damage resistance at low hp, and then shuffle the downsides to fit more of a extended push sort of weapon. Idea being more that it encourages you to push and hold a bit ahead of the team without needing to retreat as quickly due to the increased ammo and damage resistance, which is most handy when you win a fight but the rest of your team is lagging behind. There is also that ancient test version with the health on hit but i feel like that would be probably far too strong to add in, at least in any worthwhile capacity.

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (119)

    @ammi53118 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Could've just pick wrangler over Natasha
    So it reveals people don't like damage sponge

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (120)

    @ammi53118 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I swear banners will be so complained if they were used often

    • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (121)

      @Bluestlark8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Banner soldiers aren't so bad if you take them out fast, but they usually are with a coordinated team, from the ones I've seen, but if you can take them out it's like taking out the medic.

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (122)

    @Ickygrunt8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Let’s see what weapons are hated
    Scorch shot
    Dimound back
    Dead ringer
    Eye lander
    Danger shield

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (123)

    @togeluga_the_cat8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    18:00 pretty sure that has allready been fixed a while ago

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (124)

    @CWOFFEE8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    jsyk, im pretty sure the demo you were healing at 8:31 is cheating. particularly, it looks like theyre autostrafing cause their airstrafes are weird as hell, and that sticky on the heavy doesnt look right either. not saying you knew, obviously, but it's worthwhile to be abundantly aware of that sorta sh*t these days.

    • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (125)

      @TealOpal 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Damn. I genuinely had no idea, I'll keep a better eye out going forward,

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (126)

    @vyor88372 หลายเดือนก่อน

    No scorch shot mention? Surprising

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (127)

    @NightRaven6668 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    idea for the vaccinator to swap rez you need to spend 1 uber charge

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (128)

    @ronaid-with-an-i8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    As a vaccinator enjoyer, I find it fine fighting it, so it doesn't really bother me when I use it.

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (129)

    @fractalisomega95178 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Dead Ringer’s problem is how brain dead it’s playstyle is, and how it synergizes with his other tools
    Spy is far better without the DR and as a niche pick… his ability to disrupt and gather intel should not be overlooked but is difficult to tabulate into a score

    • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (130)

      @shmoking4668 หลายเดือนก่อน

      But it only really works if the other team is braindead, unless you use it as a gunspy watch

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (131)

    @Das_Psycho8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Most hated in TF2. Scorch Shot, diamondback, Kunai, sticky spam, sniper 😂

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (132)

    @alsaiduq43638 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Btw did you use Kingdom Hearts Melody of memory's Dearly beloved at the start?

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (133)

    @TheJosiahTurner8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    some of your complaints about the dead ringer are pretty weird because lbh anyone with enough experience in tf2 will be able to tell when an enemy spy has the dead ringer without needing to check kill counts or scoreboard
    especially if theyre very aggressive with it too
    only change i would do to it is to make the speed boost cut immediately short if you decloak while its still active so spies cant use it for a free speed boost

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (134)

    @mikewebsters41197 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Should the vaccinator give both the medic and their target a melee vulnerability?

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (135)

    @Iron_Soil8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    huh so you find vaccinator annoyng? but do you find airblast annoyng? thats literally the same thing

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (136)

    @feedtheorist99448 หลายเดือนก่อน

    the vacc is absolutely overpowered and broken lol
    i also disagree that the diamondback isnt OP without the dead ringer. agree with everything else though i think. though i think the phlog is the ultimate example of "isnt overpowered but is often unfair and is definitely highly hated".
    you sound fine! think ur overthinking sounding sick, dw about it.

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (137)

    @amarok48 หลายเดือนก่อน

    great video, good to watch

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (138)

    @barteomiejwojciak31068 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I get the dr
    But I feel like vac and natasha is fine
    At least to me
    Natasha heavies rarely shoot across the map which is annoying and if you in heavies face then you 90% should be just dead either way
    And vac is completely countered by the TEAM PLAY and melee so saying that its a f*ck you button is kind off childish while compare stock to it
    Stock make your teammate that 0 dmg
    Dr - sure
    Natasha - whatever
    Vac - meh just use a shotgun

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (139)

    @aguynamedluis92668 หลายเดือนก่อน

    you forgot the kunai aka the kunai crutch

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (140)

    @Cherno_Lad3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    why use vacnator when haev Ubercharg (resistance to everything)

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (141)

    @metalblizzard60248 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Good video

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (142)

    @theballoonfamily95398 หลายเดือนก่อน

    out of curiosity, what is all between your collection at 14:42 ?

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (143)

    @Idiedfromcheesesandwich2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Abp my brother always said that he died of a overdose

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (144)

    @Tar_Pick_Piano2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I love diamond

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (145)

    @angel_dust_the_prostitute48167 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Noticed you avoided talking about the diamondback, DESPITE all the shade you threw at it... huh...

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (146)

    @plantain.17397 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Teal, do you have a Harry DuBois heavy set?

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (147)

    @alexverse18988 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Why didn’t he get is lemonade though

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (148)

    @D1AntOnly8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    you can pop multiple ubers at the same time with the vacc

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (149)

    @daman61768 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Haven’t watched yet but might as well
    Put sniper at the top

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (150)

    @skyslasher22978 หลายเดือนก่อน

    0:17 team trash all the way

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (151)

    @DGstretch8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    cool video

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (152)

    @Fatsaver8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Fun fact: One Vaccinator bubble is worth 600 health as Medic.

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (153)

    @G-Man____8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    What about the holiday punch is that a stun effect

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (154)

    @ethbeatthem48368 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Feel like Scorch Shot should be top 3 but there more videos on my it’s unfun to fight and how it counters most things in the game.

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (155)


    God I hate this guys hud

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (156)

    @nwefe8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    i have a 3000 kill professional killstreak natascha. sorry.

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (157)

    @pyrofromtf28 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I have become real.

  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (159)

    @bucket60798 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • [TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (160)

    @TRAVISHERE0028 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I find these weapons to actually be unbearable and whenever i hear people complain about something like the scorch shot or sniper i usually point out these in particular are way more annoying like sniper makes sense ofc a long range power class is going to be annoying and of course the scorch shot is not that fun but I've never seen someone kill with the scorch shot unless someone was low hp and I've never lost to a sniper in close quarters outside a random crit or quickscope they have counterplay that's easily exploitable these on the other hand outside the natascha requires and entire change of gameplan to beat which is why i usually swap to scout when i see a deadringer or sniper/demo when i see a vacc they require you to essentially swap to play something you probably don't wanna play to counter properly that's imo way worse than the other things people complain about because the counterplay requires an entire change of class/gameplan

[TF2] Most-Hated Weapons (2024)


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Name: Duncan Muller

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Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.