Piper Rockelle: Lilemo, Bolelele, Wiki, Biography, Net Worth, Mohlankana, Mosebetsi, Lelapa, le tse ling tse ngata. (2024)

Piper Rockelle ke naleli e tsebahalang ea boithabiso e tlatsitseng joalo ka You tuber le moetsi oa Tik Tok ka tloaelo ea ho fetoha sebapali sa boithabiso. Haufinyane tjena o hlahile filiming e khuts'oane e hlophisitsoeng ke Matt Dugan, e bitsoang "Dull Eyes".

Piper Rockelle: Lilemo, Bolelele, Wiki, Biography, Net Worth, Mohlankana, Mosebetsi, Lelapa, le tse ling tse ngata. (1)

Seteishene sa hae hangata se tletse lirekoto tse khahlisang le tse rutang. O ile a hōlisoa a le Atlanta, Georgia, United States.

Tafole ea likateng

Piper Rockelle ke mang?

Piper ke sebini, sebini, naleli ea YouTube, sebapali sa boithabiso se thehiloeng marang-rang, le sebapali sa boithabiso. O hlahetse Atlanta, Georgia, United States, ’me o hōletse lelapeng le ruileng. Motho ea ithabisang o tumme haholo ka mesebetsi ea hae letotong la webo "Mani" (2017) le Chicken Girls (2018), e leng linaleli Jules LeBlanc, Hayden Summerall, le Hayley LeBlanc. Le eena o ile a batla mosebetsi oa hae oa botšoantšisi ha a ntse a batla mosebetsi oa hae oa boithabiso o thehiloeng marang-rang, joalo ka ha a hlaha lenaneong la TV la Amerika "Mani". Ba inehetseng ba Piper ba bitsoa Piperazzi.

Biography ea Piper Rockelle

Atlanta, Georgia, United States, e ne e le tšimoloho ea hae le sebaka sa bongoaneng. O na le boitsebahatso ba Amerika, 'me o na le sebaka ka kholiseho ea Bokreste. Boholo ba lintho tseo a li fetisetsang mocha oa hae oa YouTube lia thabisa kapa lia khantša. Toro ea hae e tebileng e bile ho fetoha naleli e matla le ho tsoela pele ka boteng ba 'musi kapa morena. O ile a qala ho fetisetsa lirekoto ho musical.ly esale pele mme a tsepamisa maikutlo mosebetsing oa hae ho tloha qalong.

Ho feta moo, o ile a hlaha lenaneong la thelevishene le sa ngoloang "Piperazzi". Ka mokhoa o ts'oanang, linaleli tsa Piper papaling e bitsoang Piperazzi, lenaneo le reheletsoeng ka balateli. Har'a balateli ba hae, Piper o tsejoa e le "Piperazzi".

Lilemo tsa Piper Rockelle

Piper o hlahile ka Phato 21, 2007, mme o tla ba lilemo li 14 ka selemo sa 2022.

Lelapa la Piper Rockelle

Qalong ho tsoa United States, Piper o tsoa lelapeng la Bokreste le nang le motheo o tebileng. Boiphihlelong ba hae ba ho hola, Piper Smith, ntate oa hae, ea ileng a siea lelapa nako e telele nakong e fetileng, o sa tsoa mo bona hanngoe e sa le ngoana e monyane. O tlas'a leihlo le nchocho la 'm'ae, Tiffany Rockelle. Tyler Ray Hill ke ngoan'abo e moholo, 'me Hunter Ray Hill ke ngoan'abo e monyenyane ho feta.

Boemo ba Kamano ea Piper Rockelle

Hajoale, Piper ha e so otloe. O ikakhetse ka setotsoana le Lev Cameron, setsebi sa boithabiso, le sebini se sebetsang mecheng ea litaba. Mots'eanong 2019 o bontšitse qalo ea kamano ea hae le Lev.

Lelapa, Mohlankana le Likamano

Piper Rockelle o na le sebaka se nang le lelapa la Bokreste le lutseng ka kakaretso le tsoang United States. O na le tšepo ea hae bolumeling ba Bokreste 'me o na le boitsebiso ba Amerika.

Lebitso la ntate oa hae ke Piper Smith ea tlohetseng lelapa nako e telele nakong e fetileng mme a kopana le ntate oa hae hang ha a sa le monyane haholo.

Lebitso la 'm'ae ke Tiffany Rockelle 'me o sebetsa lapeng.

O na le banab'eso ba babeli, lebitso la ngoan'abo e moholo ke Tyler Ray Hill 'me lebitso la ngoan'abo ea latelang ke Hunter Ray Hill.

Boemo ba lenyalo la Piper Rockelle ha bo so nyaloe. Lebitso la moratuoa oa hae ke Lev Cameron eo e leng sebapali le sebini ka ho letsetsa. O qalile ho ratana le Lev ka Mots'eanong 2020.

Thuto ea Piper Rockelle

Gwinnett School of Mathematics, Science and Technology, Georgia, ke moo a lelekisang mosebetsi oa hae oa ho ruta. O tsepamisa maikutlo litlhahlobong tsa hae hammoho le mosebetsi oa hae.

Mosebetsi oa Piper Rockelle

Mosebetsi oa hae mecheng ea litaba tsa sechaba o qalile ka musical.ly, moo a ileng a fetisetsa livideo tse khahlang tse fumaneng ka leboea ho batšehetsi ba limilione tse 5. Ntho eo a fanang ka eona e laetsoe ka har'a lintho tse fapa-fapaneng le tse ncha tse kang lirekoto tsa satire, likarabo, maqheka, li-DIY. Seteishene sa hae sa YouTube se fumane ka leboea ho balateli ba limilione tse 7 kamora hore a se etse ka mor'a lebitso la hae. Litlaleho tsa hae tsa melodic le lifilimi li ne li kenyelletsa "Dim Eyes", "Butterflies" le "Sitting in the 80's". Mosebetsi oa hae o mong o leka ho hopola ponahalo ea letoto la TV la Amerika "Mani" hammoho le mecha ea litaba ea sechaba.

Piper Rockelle Net Worth

Matlotlo a ntseng a tsoela pele a Piper ke $3 Million ho qala hoo e ka bang ka 2022. Joalo ka naleli ea sebele ea boithabiso, Rockelle le eena ke sebapali sa boithabiso se tummeng.

Lintlha tse 'maloa tse sa Tsejoeng

  • O hlahetse Georgia, Piper o hōletse moo.
  • Matt Dugan o ile a mo tataisa ka filimi e khuts'oane e tšosang, "Dim Eyes", moo a neng a bapala Daphne.
  • Likatse tse fetang 100 li sirelelitsoe ke Piper le 'm'ae, leha ho le joalo, ba sa tsoa ba le boikhethelo ba ho boloka likhama tse 17 ka linako tsohle.
  • O hlahile seteisheneng sa YouTube sa Brat TV le lenaneong le bitsoang 'Mani' ho YouTube.
  • Moputso oa iHeartRadio Music Social Star o rehiloe lebitso la Piper ka 2020.
  • Lenaneo la nnete la 'Piperazzi' le ile la thunngoa le eena.
  • Motsoali oa hae ea se nang molekane oa Piper o mo holisitse. Tiffany Rockelle Smith e ne e le 'mè oa hae.

Lipotso ka Piper Rockelle

Piper Rockelle ke mang?

Ke naleli e hlahelletseng ea litaba tsa sechaba ea tlatsitseng joalo ka You tuber le moetsi oa Tik Tok ea nang le tšekamelo ea ho fetoha sebapali sa boithabiso. Haufinyane tjena o hlahile filiming e khuts'oane e hlophisitsoeng ke Matt Dugan, e bitsoang "Dim Eyes". Seteishene sa hae ka kakaretso se tletse livideo tse monate le tse rutang.

Piper Rockelle o lilemo li kae?

O lilemo li 14, ho qala ka 2022.

Ke hobane'ng ha Piper Rockelle a tumme hakaale?

O ile a qala ho fetisetsa lirekoto ho musical.ly esale pele mme a tsepamisa maikutlo mosebetsing oa hae ho tloha qalong. Ho feta moo, o ile a hlaha lenaneong la 'nete la TV "Piperazzi".

Botle ba Piper Rockelle ke mang?

O ikakhetse ka setotsoana le Lev Cameron, setsebi sa boithabiso, le sebini se sebetsang mecheng ea litaba. Mots'eanong 2019 o bontšitse qalo ea kamano ea hae le Lev.

Piper Rockelle o hlahetse hokae?

O hlahetse Atlanta, Georgia, United States, ’me o hōletse lelapeng le ruileng.

Piper Rockelle o hlahile neng?

Piper e ile ea tlisoa lefatšeng ka la 21 Phato 2007.

Thepa eohle ea Piper Rockelle ke efe?

Matlotlo a ntseng a tsoela pele a Piper ke $3 Million ho qala hoo e ka bang ka 2022. Joalo ka naleli ea sebele ea boithabiso, Rockelle ke morekisi ea tummeng oa boithabiso.

Lebitso le felletseng la Piper Rockelle ke mang?

Piper Rockelle Smith.

Na Piper Rockelle o kena sekolo?

Ka sebele, Gwinnett School of Mathematics, Science and Technology, Georgia, ke moo a lelekisang mosebetsi oa hae oa ho ruta.

Ke lifilimi life tseo Piper Rockelle a li lokiselitseng?

Mahlo a Lerootho le ho Lula ka bo-'80s.

fihlela qeto e

Mona re bona ka bophelo ba Piper Rockelle. O tla fihla maemong a phahameng haholo a botumo ha palo ea lebitso la hae le balateli ba hae e ntse e hola.

Piper Rockelle: Lilemo, Bolelele, Wiki, Biography, Net Worth, Mohlankana, Mosebetsi, Lelapa, le tse ling tse ngata. (2)

Kara Clayton

  • Website

Kara Clayton ke sengoli se ikemetseng ka mosebetsi oa hae hape ke motho ea chesehelang marang-rang, morati oa tlhaho, raditšoantšo, motho ea sa tsebeng letho ka maeto, morati oa 'mino le motho ea ratang ho itlosa bolutu ka ho itlosa bolutu. O entse mangolo a hae a Lingoliloeng tsa Sekhooa le kabo ea hae ea Kamorao ho Boqolotsi ba Litaba le Puisano ea 'Misa. O rata mosebetsi oa hae oa ho boloka lingoliloeng tse mabapi le bophelo bo botle, feshene, lichelete, mokhoa oa bophelo, theknoloji, khoebo le USP ea hae ke mokhoa oa hae oa ho ngola o bonolo empa o khahla.

Piper Rockelle: Lilemo, Bolelele, Wiki, Biography, Net Worth, Mohlankana, Mosebetsi, Lelapa, le tse ling tse ngata. (2024)


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Salish Matter Bio/Wiki
Date of birth29 November 2009
Age13 years old (as of 2024)
Zodiac signSagittarius
Place of birthNyack, New York, United States
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Who did Piper Rockelle used to date? ›

Piper rockelle boyfriend is currently Lev she has a crush on Walker who might be dating Indigo Star a member of pipers squad . Her so called ex boyfriend is Gavin Mangus.

Does Jesus say shalom? ›

Yeshua said to them again, “Shalom aleichem! As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.” And after He said this, He breathed on them. And He said to them, “Receive the Ruach ha-Kodesh! If you forgive anyone's sins, they are forgiven; but if you hold back, they are held back.”

Can you say shalom for hello? ›

Literally meaning "peace", shalom is used for both hello and goodbye. A cognate with the Arabic-language salaam.

Who is Piper Rockelle's bff? ›

Piper rockelle best friends are Sophie Fergi Lev and Sawyer Sharbino and Jenna Davis and all of them are her squad members.

How old is she, Piper? ›

Piper Rockelle is 17 years old. Total 6,210 days old now.

Is Lev still in the squad? ›

Why is Lev leaving the squad? Lev and Piper broke up. Lev wants to focus on music, acting, and possibly dance.

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Txunamy Ortiz is an upcoming American child actress and is bilingual, she speaks fluent Spanish and you can catch her in several shows. Her latest one stars Colin Farrell, as well as starring in a Disney Plus Special, and in several other shows.

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Piper Rubio Bio/Wiki
Date of BirthSeptember 16, 2015
Age8 Years (As of 2024)
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Ryan Frye is an American actor, musician, writer, and entertainer. He is gaining national recognition in the Comic Con circuit with his personification of Marvel's Thor.


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